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Early Voting

Monday, May 20th to Friday, May 24th

Runoff Election Day

Tuesday, May 28th, 2024


Office of the Candidate for the

Collin County Republican Party Chair

Phone: (214) 476-2567



PO Box 1281

Wylie, Texas 75098

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For Immediate Release

Thursday, February 15th, 2024; 8:00 PM

Collin County Republican Party Action Plan

Collin County, Texas, USA - As Chair, I will bring strategic leadership to Collin County, combining solid conservative values with effective mobilization and action. We know we must elect Republican candidates across Collin County who will prioritize securing our border, fighting for election integrity and protecting our children. We must elect Republican judges who will uphold our Constitution and not legislate from the bench. We must stand firm and be unified around our principles! My ACTION PLAN will lead the Collin County GOP to these successful outcomes, and thus benefit Collin County. And my plan is already in motion.

How so? The answer: My bid for Chair is not about me, it Is about our county, our state, and our nation. Collin County is the largest conservative county in Texas. As such, it deserves a considerable time commitment immediately. I am in a unique time in life with grown children and a wonderful husband who is the primary breadwinner in our home. I have the leadership experience, skill set, passion, and time to serve Collin County well. This is a critical election, and we need a Chair who can and will commit significant hours to the business of our party. I will make that important investment of time from day one.

Here are the foundational points of my plan:

Foundational Point #1: Champion Conservative Values

I believe this is the Collin County GOP’s crucial rally point. For us to unify as a party, we need something foundational to unify around. We must know our true identity and what we stand for. Our conservative values are internal drivers, and our principles are external expressions of those values. The expressed principles of the Republican Party of Texas mirror the same principles we claim in the Collin County GOP. They are: Valuing Life, Preserving Individual Freedom and Sovereignty, Limited Government, Personal Responsibility, Strong Families, Quality Education, Defending Our Property, and Freedom. These unifying principles are extremely important for all residents of Collin County! We know this and together we will communicate this clearly and boldly.

Working from this foundation, I will guide us according to the following:

  1. Create clear messaging based on our Party Platform Principles. I will work with our representatives to create clear messaging about issues we are facing and then share with voters. I will work with Precinct Chairs, clubs, organizations, and volunteers to offer ways for them to communicate more clearly and succinctly so that we can move forward, together. I will update all forms of communication: website, social media, and emails to share information on each messaging medium. Our unified voice will ring out loudly! We will take back the narrative and paint the true picture of what we stand for. Collin County voters will have clarity on issues and vote for Republicans.
  2. Grow our party. When we stand firm and communicate our principles and objectives in a unified manner, people will more readily recognize the truth and join us as a result. Republicans will be elected across Collin County.
  3. Grow our donor base. I believe our donor base will also grow when we stand firm and share a clear, unified message. Many donors are sitting on the sidelines waiting to see if we will champion our values without wavering. I will invest time to seek out these donors and inspire them to sow financial seeds into the Collin County GOP now and in the future. When I speak to groups and individuals about this point, I hear a lot of “Yes! Finally!” and “I’m with you!”

Foundational Point #2: Unify Our Party

Standing firm on who we are allows us to focus on our common goal of Republicans winning races. I am already working on unifying our party and will continue to do so. Here’s how:

  1. I will invest the time to lead well. I meet with Precinct Chairs and dedicated volunteers regularly. I meet with people who have opposing views on how we reach the common goal. I ask questions. I listen. I hear threads of commonality that I will use to weave us together. This is a critical time investment that should not be fast-tracked or skipped. My children are grown, so the days of my daughter, Lauren’s, Plano East Golden Girl performances and my son, Dylan’s, Wylie football games are behind me. Additionally, I am not the primary bread winner of my home (thanks, Jason!). As a result, I have the time required to invest in listening to, learning from, and encouraging our team. I am a servant leader.
  2. I will invest in people. I love and value all people and take the time to get to know them. I listen well. People tend to open up to me easily as a result. I often hear, “I’m not sure why I told you that, I don’t usually tell that to people.” I joke that it is one of my superpowers! I believe this stems from the respect I give to people. I am given the same courtesy and respect in return.
  3. I will lead us in productivity. The meetings I lead will be productive and have a respectful environment. The investment I have made and continue to make in building relationships will set a good and respectful foundation to make this a reality. I will give action items at the conclusion of every meeting to keep us moving toward a unified goal.
  4. I will point us to our goals. At every Executive Committee meeting I lead; I will consistently put our primary goals in front of us as a reminder that we are all on the same team. I will be intentional to keep us properly aligned and focused.
  5. I will base decisions on our Party Platform. We will use the Republican Party of Texas Platform and Legislative Priorities as the grid and the base for making decisions. The Republican Party of Texas goes through a rigorous process that begins at the Precinct Conventions to produce a Platform and our Legislative Priorities. This should be our guidebook and grid that the Collin County GOP uses to make decisions. Using the Platform as grid for making decisions will sideline many disagreements as a substantial number of conversations and decisions will move from personal preferences to a new decision process.
  6. I take a multi-generational approach. I honor, hear, and respect the generation who has come before me and the foundation they laid so skillfully. I am thankful that I get to stand on their shoulders! I have also met with Young Republican leaders. They desire a party who will stand firm on our principles and not waver. I have invited them to join us to apply as Precinct Chairs and to work side-by-side in our election efforts. And the invitation has been met with a YES!
  7. I will meet with leaders of Collin County Republican clubs and tap into their strengths. We have many wonderful clubs and organizations with members who have so much to offer and to teach us. Let us join our efforts together more intentionally and work smarter!

Foundational Point #3: Drive Decisive Action

With the two foundational points accomplished above, I will drive decisive action through:

  1. Communication! I believe a big problem in the Republican Party is messaging. The outgoing message is muddy at best, and the message from the left about who we are is packed with untruth. I have a plan to take the narrative back. I have stated that I will stay in contact with our representatives in Washington and Austin. I will remain informed about the key issues and initiatives that constituents need to know. After gathering information, I will share it broadly on our website, across social media platforms. I will send this information to Precinct Chairs and clubs. I will ask all to share these same messages with their spheres of influence. As a result, we will control the unified message about who we are and what we stand for. Messages will have a widespread reach. We will reach disengaged voters as well as new voters who, upon learning more of who we are, will join us in agreement. More voters will have clarity and will vote for Republicans. We will stop apologizing for our conservative values and remain steadfast standing for truth and goodness.
  2. I will meet regularly with Committee Chairs of the Collin County GOP Executive Committee to receive reports on the success of their action items. Precinct Chairs, who are elected and who make up the Executive Committee, serve and chair committees. The Collin County GOP Executive Committee has clear by-laws and rules that outline how the EC is to operate. Each committee has clear directives to take action to move our party towards accomplishing our goals of electing Republicans across Collin County. I will meet with the chairs of committees who oversee election integrity, candidate vetting, Precinct Chair recruitment and training, the budget, mobilizing voters, and more. I will meet regularly to encourage, receive reports and to offer support. The expectations for the Collin County GOP laid forth by the by-laws and rules will remain paramount. Because the Chair facilitates the will of the Executive Committee, Precinct Chairs serve and lead all committees within the EC and continue to be action-oriented and together we will accomplish our goals. This can be done without the addition of paid positions or the Chair asking for a change in rules or by-laws.
  3. I will meet regularly with HD Chairs. Each House District in Collin County has a Precinct Chair who serves and leads in HD33, HD61, HD66, HD67, HD70 and HD89. These Chairs hold responsibilities for their Districts and have the pulse of the issues in their HD. I will meet with them, listen, encourage, and keep us on the same page.
  4. I will remain in frequent communication with our elected officials who represent Collin County. If they get off track, I will tell them. I will let them know the thoughts of the EC and voters. I will ask tough questions and expect answers. When they are doing well, I pass along a thank you and encouragement.
  5. I will have a call to action. I will ask all voters to vote for Republicans! They will be compelled to do so after hearing and reading the unified messaging we have been sharing. I am confident that more will vote for Republicans!
  6. I will grow our donor base. All the decisive action points above will drive more donors to our Party and our Republican candidates.

Serving as Collin County GOP Chair is not a steppingstone position for me. I would like to serve because I love our county, state, and nation. I will steward this role to move our party forward and then pass it on.

This is a team effort, and I am asking you to join the team! Share my website and ask people to vote for me. Join the team to block walk and/or poll greet. (If you are not sure what this entails, ask me. The commitment is as little or as much as your time allows).

Would you text 24 Collin County voters today and ask them to vote for me?

Finally, please consider DONATING $24 on!

Together, we will keep Collin County RED!


Ellen Loveless for Collin County Republican Party Chair

Pathway to Success is a Vote Away

Hand with People

Rally Behind



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Vote Ellen Loveless

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(214) 476-2567

Pol. Adv. Paid For By Ellen Loveless For Collin County Republican Party Chair Campaign. All Rights Reserved.